Today started out very cool but the temperature quickly rose into the 80s. Very little wind and, especially, no headwind.
The scenery was similar to yesterday. Lots of pepper farms and pecan orchards. We rode 7.5 miles on a delightful bike path along the bone dry Rio Grande. Occasionally, you could see a patch of damp sand, but that's about it.
There was no "Welcome to Texas" sign, and, even though from New Mexico to Texas we went from Mountain Time to Central time, El Paso doesn't change to Daylight Saving Time, so we didn’t lose an hour.
El Paso is a huge spread out, and busy city. I was not especially comfortable riding through there, thankfully, it was Sunday so traffic was light. We rode only a few yards from the border crossing. Lines of cars could be seen waiting to cross. Overall, a great day.🙂
Bike path along the Rio Grande