Today was our last state line crossing of the tour. A very surreal feeling. Now I’m just waiting to get back on east coast time.
We left our ocean front condos very early in the morning to make the first ferry of the day off of Dauphin Island.
A very fast fog bank rolled through before we got on the ferry. By the time we reached the opposite shore it was another beautiful, sunny day. And, do I dare say, very little wind!
Off the ferry we rode through a series of Gulf front residential areas. More houses on stilts. Gated communities and condos, some looking quite luxurious.
From miles 22 to 36 we rode on a really nice bike path. At first we just rode parallel to the main road, then we entered a State Park, and the path was quiet, smooth, and shady. What a treat. Alabama can teach Texas a great deal about how to pave a path! After the path, we rode through another series of Gulf front resorts, and then we crossed into Florida. 🌴
As we got closer to Pensacola, we saw the Blue Angels fly over! We also passed by the Naval Air Station. Our hotel is across the street from Pensacola International Airport.

Hello Florida! It’s good to be back!

Dauphin Island ferry

Today’s route
Florida!!! You're so close!
I was tracking you on “Find My Friends”. It had you out in the water. Then I rememberEd: the ferry!!
Yay!!! Back in FLA