Day 13: Silver City to Kingston (47 miles) March 25
Cue the Rocky theme song! I. Did. It. 🙌🏻👏🏻 I climbed Emory Pass! This was the most exhilarating day of cycling since I left San...
San Diego, California to St Augustine, Florida
March 9 - May 5
Welcome to my blog!
I've always wanted to cycle across America. 2 years ago, I decided to look at all my options. I decided, hands down, WomanTours bike tour company was the right fit for me.
I was placed on a waitlist for 2023. Great! That gave me plenty of time to train. In late December, 2021, I was notified that a slot became available for March 2022. I accepted, although I felt I was behind the "eight ball” 🎱 for training. I was anxious and intimidated. I am not an Olympic athlete but I have some cycling experience.
On March 10, 2022, I will dip my wheels in the Pacific Ocean (San Diego) and start my adventure across the southern tier. On May 5, the plan is to arrive in St. Augustine, Florida. 56 days, 8 states, 3,100 miles with spectacular scenery.
An experience of a lifetime!
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"
I hope you enjoy following me on my blog or on Strava
It will be challenging to blog every day. I will only have my iPhone with me and cell service might be subpar at times
Please feel free to leave me comments
For my cycling friends, you can follow me on Strava or Garmin Connect
Just slightly overwhelming!
Thankful for Ride with GPS!